I would like to give you some tips about buying on Etsy since I am an Etsy seller and I have a shop on line.
Etsy is an online marketplace where people can sell things handmade things, vintage things, anything, really. You do have to be careful... don’t forget that anyone can sign up to sell on Etsy, and you’ll never really know what you’re getting it until you hold it in your hand. There is lots of stuff for sale on Etsy and you have to scroll through it to get to the treasures - but the treasures are worth it, and the hurt is part of the fun. Use always keywords to narrow down the search when you’re looking for something specific ("multi strands brown beaded necklace” is better than "brown beaded necklace").
You can use the category filters on the right-hand side to limit your results – for example, you can choose to see only vintage items, and from those results you could choose to see only jewelry, or you can choose accessories and then choose only necklaces.
When you browse and see something you like, add the store or the item to your favorites. It can be hard to find the same store twice if you forget the name. It is often the case that a seller who posts one item you like, will post other items you’ll like also.
If something is missing in pictures or information, ask the seller questions. If they won’t answer your questions, don’t do business with them. If a seller doesn’t have positive reviews, don’t do business with them. If you buy anything, pay and leave honest feedback. When you get your items and it happens to be broken, contact your seller immediately before you write a bad review, I strongly believe that sellers try to do their best to satisfy their clients.
Many Etsy sellers accept returns, but not all. Never count on being able to return something unless it specifically says you can. Even then, always check and see if you’ll be responsible for return shipping.
It is very important to check measures of rings, length of necklaces, earrings, bracelets.*measure of necklace is in inches*
As for earrings - pay attention to the details. Always take note of how large and long the earrings are. You can measure it with a piece of paper and hold it up to your ear. If that’s not what you want, then don’t buy them.
Check what kind of backings the earrings have. Is it okay studs, screwback, or clip-ons?
Etsy gives prices up front, but they don’t include shipping. Don’t forget to add shipping costs when you’re looking at the item.Check before you buy, many shops offer free shipping.Now that you’re prepared to buy jewelry on Etsy, let’s get to the goodies.
Here is some handmade jewelry that I am currently selling on Etsy
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